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Harmonium Classes

The Indian harmonium originating in Europe was brought to India by Western traders or missionaries in the late nineteenth century. It became an integral part of Indian music and is used to accompany folk, classical, Sufi, and ghazal compositions for both music and dance. The harmonium can produce harmonies and drone notes that enhance the melodic lines of kirtan singers. It is also easy to learn and play, making it a popular instrument for devotional music.

Harmonium music instrument

Mridanga Drum Classes

The Indian mridanga drum is a two-headed percussion instrument that originated at least 2,000 years ago in South India. It is one of the oldest and most sophisticated drums of India, and plays a role in many stories of gods and ancient art. The mridanga drum can produce complex and intricate patterns of rhythm that enhance the melodic lines of kirtan singers.


Martial Arts Classes

Vedic martial arts are ancient fighting systems that include various forms of armed and unarmed combat, such as archery, swordsmanship, wrestling, and pressure point striking. They are not only physical, but also spiritual and philosophical, influenced by the concepts of dharma, karma, and yoga. Vedic martial arts have many benefits for the body, mind, and soul. They can improve strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, and balance. They can also enhance concentration, awareness, confidence, and self-discipline. They can help one to develop a sense of harmony with oneself, others, and the universe. Vedic martial arts are a rich and diverse heritage of India that can inspire and empower anyone who practices them.

Harmonium Classes
Midanga Drum Classes
Martial Arts Classes
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